Our October 2023 work weekend was a resounding success! I just wanted to thank all who are volunteering their time and/or money to support our sacred LOMG! Rain came on Thursday and lifted the burn ban and brought in absolutely beautiful weather. With a volunteer team of approx 25 people we got some serious stuff done:
- Gutters were cleaned
- The linen cabinet was organized
- Path lighting was installed
- Roofs for Cabin 2 and 8 were weatherproofed (to prevent leaks)
- Window on Cabin 3 was sealed to prevent leakage
- New dimmers/lighting for Cole hall were installed
- Trees were trimmed (one dead tree was cut down)
- The office area in dining hall was organized
- The irrigation system at the Circle of Stones was repaired
- The tractor area was cleaned up
- All the trash behind cabins 9 and 10 has been hauled off
- Windows were washed
- Cold reflection on the staff bath house was properly affixed
- Lotsa other little projects were knocked out!
Thanks again to all the volunteers and donors who are helping LOMG thrive as we live in mission: “LOMG’s mission is to provide an affordable retreat center for non-profit organizations that promote personal growth, inspiration and empowerment.”