The LOMG Honoring Brick patio and sidewalk are a sacred part of the LOMG campus. The
LOMG Board of Directors is bringing this project to a close in the coming months.

We are thrilled to announce the addition of a new concrete sidewalk between the Dining Hall and Cole Hall that will feature the last of the memorial bricks. The cost of this new memorial sidewalk has been underwritten by a few generous donors. The new sidewalk will be a wonderful addition to the grounds, and allow LOMG to move toward supporting ADA compliance, which is one of our goals for this year.

With the addition of the new sidewalk coming soon, the LOMG Board is offering a “final call”
opportunity for those who may want to purchase a brick. Once this campaign is closed, bricks
will no longer be available for purchase.

The cost of each brick will be $150 and can include 3-lines of text up to 14 characters per line. The deadline for purchasing a brick is April 30, 2025. The last of the engraved bricks will be ordered in May 2025, and the sidewalk will be completed this summer.

We are acutely aware that there are appx 90 bricks that have been purchased over recent
years that have not been engraved or laid at LOMG. Our intention in completing and bringing
this project to a close is to get back into accountability with all of you that have purchased bricks in the past that have not yet been completed. We appreciate your patience and your support. We feel the new sidewalk is a great way to showcase the last of the honoring bricks. The Covid pandemic caused our priorities to shift for several years, and we are now in a place to focus on the future of LOMG with ongoing efforts being made to improve LOMG for all of our guests.

We have a complete list of all bricks purchased that need to be engraved. If you would like to confirm that a brick you purchased in recent years is on our list, please reach out to Julie Boon at [email protected] by April 30, 2025.

The LOMG Board appreciates your continued support, and our commitment is to continue to
improve and maintain the sacred land and spaces at LOMG that nurtures our hearts and souls.