We’re pleased to launch the new Land Of My Grandfathers website.
With the support of our generous donors, volunteer Board of Directors and community driven work-force, we are honoring LOMG’s Commitment to building supportive relationships while creating an environment that is joyful, cost effective, and offers an exceptional experience through continual improvement and strategic expansions. We’re glad you’re here, check out all that we’ve added below.

New Site
We’ve got a new look and a new layout… all with the goal of continuing to provide the same sacred retreat site that is joyful and cost effective, so you can continue to offer unique events with lasting outcomes.>
Over the years this land has taken on a “Sacredness” that seems to call out to every person who steps onto this property. This began with the enormous amounts of love, time, and the energy that hundreds of men contributed to this site. We’ve dedicated a new history gallery to the about us page to help tell this story.
Stay connected to the site you love, learn about upcoming events, and keep up to date on all we’re doing with your donor dollars.
Your Donor Dollars at Work
Did you know that LOMG is its own charitable 501C3
separate from the organizations that utilize it?
We want you to know that:
- Our mission is to provide an affordable retreat center for nonprofit organizations that promote personal growth, inspiration and empowerment.
- 100% of the money donated to LOMG goes DIRECTLY to the site.
- Your 11 person Board of Directors is a volunteer, unpaid, “DO-ER” team of passionate community members.
- LOMG is the DEFINITION of a non-profit, we rarely increase rates and are willing to work with our clients on cost-effective rental fees.
- The land that created LOMG, along with much of the labor and materials, have been DONATED.
- LOMG will celebrate 25 years of creating safe-space in 2024 and we are asking YOU to support it with recurring monthly MICRO DONATIONS. Just $5 bucks a month (or more!) can help us and our mission continue for another 25 years.